- Sit on the floor with the legs straight in front of you together.
- Pull the flesh away from the sitting bones whilst pushing the heals out.
- Touch the hands on the thighs with straight arms.
- Whilst the hands gradually move towards the feet, the forehead is brought down towards the knees.
- The body is now folded in two like a penknife.
- Try and relax into the posture for a min of 20 breaths.
- Slowly return to the starting position,whilst uncurling the back slowly.
This asana is specific in cases of constipation, hemorrhoids,diabetes,dyspepsia,indigestion and poor appetite.
It gets rid of of numerous functional disorders of the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, intestines, and spleen and seminal secretions.
It helps to alleviate enlargement of the liver and kidneys and assists the stomach of proper evacuation.
It also prevents certain forms of ulcers and clears away lordosis,
There is a marked effect on the prostate gland among others.
Those whose sexual activity has begun to decline experience a renewal of vigour, but without unhealthy over stimulation.
Physically the reactivation of the gonads whose hormone secretions are of such importance, has enormous repercussions on the health.
Clearly, this is the third most important asana after the Shoulderstand and Headstand.
Needless to say all postures are practiced at least 3 hours after food.
Needless to say all postures are practiced at least 3 hours after food.