Back up to a wall as close as you can. Now place one foot up, then the other foot up. Now slowly climb up the wall supporting yourself with you hands and now hold it as long as you can. with practice you will stay up longer and longer.
Next Stage
The lungs expand while the abdominals are stretched. The entire spine is vigorously toned and remains healthy.The Asana has psychological significance. The Head which is the seat of knowledge and power is also the seat of pride, hatred, jealousy ,intolerance and malice. The subjugation of the ego leads to harmony and happiness.
The muscles of the upper and lower arms are strengthened. Always count the breaths whilst inverted and the more you do it the breaths will Increase.You will also get the benifits off getting blood to the upper body as in the headstand.
Graphic designing institute in Delhi Aspirants who want to become successful graphic designers after completing their schooling or college can opt for this course.