Wednesday 22 October 2014

The Handstand

For Beginners

Back up to a wall as close as you can. Now place one foot up, then the other foot up. Now slowly climb up the wall supporting yourself with you hands and now hold it as long as you can. with practice you will stay up longer and longer.

Next Stage

On your knees you face the wall and place your hands flat on the floor and with arms straight skip up the wall supporting yourself with your arms. Again support for as long as you can and each time you do it, it becomes longer and longer until you can support yourself without the wall.


The lungs expand while the abdominals are stretched. The entire spine is vigorously toned and remains healthy.The Asana has psychological significance. The Head which is the seat of knowledge and power is also the seat of pride, hatred, jealousy ,intolerance and malice. The subjugation of the ego leads to harmony and happiness.

The muscles of the upper and lower arms are strengthened. Always count the breaths whilst inverted and the more you do it the breaths will Increase.You will also get the benifits off getting blood to the upper body as in the headstand.

Thursday 22 August 2013

Halasana ( The Plough)

Lie flat on your back with your arms down beside your thighs.

Raise both legs and guide them over your head until the toes touch the floor.

The legs should remain straight.

Support the back with the hands if necessary


This posture is recommended for diabetics.

It aids the regeneration of the pancreas as well as the regulation of adrenaline in the system.

Under compression the thyroid gland benefits from an increased flow of blood, which helps to regulate its functions.

By controlling the metabolism , this gland has a considerable influence on the youthfulness of the body.

The posture has a good effect on the spleen and sexual glands, especially in its final stage, when the knees are brought to the ears.

The organ especially affected is the liver which is cleansed and decongested.

Monday 12 August 2013

Chakrasana (the wheel pose)

Lie in Shakrasana (the relaxation posture)

Bend the knees and bring the heels to touch the buttocks with the feet 30cm apart.

Raise the arms and bend the elbows and place the palms of the hands just above the shoulders on the floor.
Let the fingertips point towards the shoulders.

Raise the arms and bend the elbowsa nd place the palms of he hands just above the shoulders on the floor.
Let the fingertips point towards the shoulders.

Inhale and then hold the breath in as you slowly raise the trunk,letting the head drop back gently to allow
the crown to support the weight of the upper body.The Knees will form right angles.

Then straighten the arms and legs and lift the head off the ground and raise the body to its fully arched

Then supine the position,bring the knees to the chest, give the back and nice massage doing circles with
knees, drop the knees down and breath knees.


This asana is beneficial for the entire nervous, digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular and glandular system.

It influences all the hormonal secretions and relieves many ailments of the female reproductive system.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Ardha Chandrasana (The Crescent Moon Pose)

Inhale deeply while slowly stepping backwards with the right leg away from the body in a backward stretch, though not too far back. The top of the right foot, lower leg and knee rest on the floor,

Arch the back and look up, raising the chin as high as possible.

Bring the palms together, then stretch them over the head .

If this seems too difficult separate the hands and arms.

From the finger tips to the tip of the toes there should be an appearance from the side of a crescent moon.


This asana tones the abdominal muscles, strengthens the muscles of the thighs and legs and induces balance in the nervous system.

Monday 22 April 2013

Vrischikasana (the Scorpion Posture)

Do a headstand slightly away from the wall. Slowly take the feet towards the wall, as you slowly take your hands away from your head, and place them either side of your head,elbows down.

Now slowly push up on the arms lifting the head upwards and outwards so that you are resting on the arms.

With practice you will be able to be able to just put the elbows and hands down on the floor and skip up straight into a scorpion and hold an elegant posture with straight legs or bent legs (not so elegant).


This asana reorganises the vital life force in the body i.e. prana, which is the key to physical aging,

It brings about nervous stability and increases blood flow to the brain and pinier gland, thereby rectifying nervous disorders and glandular malfunctions.

Vrischikasana increase circulation to lower limbs and abdomen, revitalising all the bodily systems,
alleviating piles, and varicose veins and toning the productive organs.

The  arched position of the back, tones the spinal nerves, and makes the muscles supple and loosens the vertebrae.

It strengthens the arms and develops balance and concentration.

This is a level four posture and should only be practiced during a class with the supervision an experienced yoga teacher.

Friday 2 November 2012

Downward Facing Dog (Parvatasana)

Exhale deeply, slowly bending forward while stretching the right leg back and place it beside the left leg,

At the same time raise the buttocks and lower the head between the arms so that the back and legs form a triangle.

Now push the head towards the legs and breath deeply.(personal tuition is available by me having been teaching yoga for 13 years)


This asana strengthens the nerves of the arms and legs, exercises the the spine and stimulates circulation especially the upper spine.

It is a semi inverted posture which aso brings blood to the upper body including the face and head.

It is practiced by those that are unable to to do the headstand (Sirsasana) due to injuries or myopia.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

The Perfect Relaxation Posture

Lie on your yoga mat, bend the knees. The slide the legs away leaving the lower back on the floor.

Take the feet about hip width apart and let them flop out to the side.

Now take the arms away from you at about 45 degrees with palms facing upward.

Then take a deep inhalation through the nose and open the mouth and sigh.

This Posture should be practiced at the beginning and end of a class.

If you are ever stressed out, this will bring you down to earth and if you do some deep whole breathing for a few minutes and release, you will feel a nice tingling throughout the the body.