Wednesday 31 August 2011

When in Bangkok

The Most Beautiful Thing to see in Bangkok is Jim Thompson's House.

He was an American business man who introduced Thia Silk to the world,when it was introduced into the Film 'The King and I', in the Fifties.

Its a group of traditionally built houses with the Most Beautiful Rooms to be in, with lots of 19th Century Artifacts.

Unfortunately he went for a walk in the forest, disappeared and got eaten by natives or a Tiger!

It also has a superb restaurant.

Thursday 18 August 2011

Tongue Dhanti

Cleanliness of the tongue is rarely practised in the West.

Our ordinary methods of hygiene neglect this active organ, Some people do of course clean there tongue with a toothbrush.

The intention behind this is good,but the method mistaken,for the bristles irritate the tongue,and do little good.

The Yogic method use a tongue-scraper made of wood, A coffe spoon will serve instead.
Tun the convex upwards and scrape the tongue with the edge  After a few moments examine the spoon and you will be convinced.stop only when the spoon no longer yields any impurities.

Then, in front of a mirror, make the expressive although undistingished gesture of sticking out the tongue, and see how clean and pink it is.

If the tongue is burdened the taste buds are coated , mucous matter making them viscous,so that tastes will not be enjoyed so acutely in thier full freshness, and stimulus will be much reduced.

Finally a coated tongue will somtimes cause bad breath.

How many times should the  tongue be scaped? Once or twice a day when teeth are cleaned