Saturday 31 December 2011

The Bow (Dhanurasana)

  • Lie on the stomach,legs together, arms beside the body.
  • Bend the knees and hold the ankles.
  • Head chest and thighs are raised as far as possible so that the body  resembles a bow, and the lower legs and arms the bow strings.
  • Expand the chest and stretch the body by pulling on the ankles while pushing the feet away from the body.
  • The body now rest on the abdomen with the arms straight.
  • Hold the breath as long as possible or breathe slowly and deeply.At some point try rocking back and forth, with the breath

This exercise is excellent for massaging all the abdominal muscles and organs, leading to improved functioning of the digestive system, eliminative and reproductive organs.

It is beneficial to those suffering from gastrointestinal diseases , and is effective in cases of chronic constipation and sluggishness of the liver,

The spinal chord is kept supple, chest ailments, including asthma are relieved

It also helps to remove fat from the abdomen.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

The Camel Pose (Ushtra-asana)

  • Sit on your knees, slightly apart, inhaling stand on the knees.
  • Lean backward and place the hands on the heels while exhaling.
  • Push the abdomen forward, arch the back, tilt the head backwards letting the body weight rest on the  arms (thighs should be vertical).
  • Breath normally (up to 20 breaths) in this position.
  • Return to the starting position, releasing the hands one at time.

This posture stretches the abdomen, relieves constipation and tones the abdominal viscera, including the liver, pancreas and kidney's.

It also eliminates sluggishness of the liver, diseases of the stomach and

Also a perfect counter posture for the sitting forward bend.

Saturday 29 October 2011

The Cobra Posture (Bhujangasana)

Step One
  • Lie flat on the stomach, legs straight, slightly apart to protect the back.
  • Place the hands flat on the floor closely to the shoulders.

Step Two
  • Inhaling slowly raise the head, neck and shoulders.
  • Straighten the elbows, keeping and raising the trunk as high as possible.
  • The back is arched as high as comfortable.
  • Have twenty breaths with the shoulders back.
  • Lower the body while exhaling.
  • Now do the Hare Pose as a counter pose.


This pose is especially good for woman in that it tones the ovaries and uterus and relieves menstrual disorders
The appetite is stimulated and constipation is relieved.

The spine is kept supple and healthy, all the abdominal organs are massaged especially the liver and the kidneys. It relocates slipped discs and helps to remove backache.

It also helps to prevent rounded shoulders.

Monday 26 September 2011

Three Nice Balancing Postures

The Dancer's Posture (Natarajasana)

  • Balance on the right leg holding the right foot with the right hand.
  • The left arm is raised  straight up by the side.
  • Look straight ahead at a fixed point.
  • When balance is achieved, slowly bend forward at the hips pushing the right foot against the hand, causing it to come up behind the back, maintain balance all the time.
  • Simultaneously reach forward with the left arm and try taking  it horizontally.Maintain for 10 to 30 secs,with deep and even breathing.
  • Repeat with the other leg.

It tones and strengthens the leg muscles the shoulders get a full movement and the chest expands fully.
It also helps to develop concentration and attention.

The Tree posture (Vriksha-asana)

  • Stand erect with the feet together and arms by the side.
  • Raise one foot and place the sole against the inside of the of the opposite thigh.
  • The heel should touch the perineum and the knee should point out to the side.
  • Raise the hands and place the palms together in front of the chest.
  • Fix the eyes straight ahead and breathe deep and evenly for 10-30 seconds.
  • When confident try raising the arms above the head with the palms together, then slowly take the arms out to the sides, like tree.
  • Now bring them back above the head, and in front of the chest and relax.
  • Repeat with the other leg.

Develops equilibrium, balance and concentration. It also strengthens the legs ankle and feet.

 The One-Foot Letter T Posture

  • Stand erect with the feet together.
  • Raise the arms above the head, palms facing forward.
  • Slowly lean forward, keeping the trunk and head in line with straight arms.
  • Simultaneously raise the left leg backwards keeping the leg straight in line with the trunk
  • The final pose is attained when the left leg, the trunk, the head and arms lie in one straight, horizontal line.
  • Remain for a minimum of 10-30 secs with deep and even breathing.
  • Repeat with the other leg,

This strengthens the upper arms,wrists and legs.It relaxes the lower back and aids attainment of of nervous co-ordination.

These three postures can be easily achieved with regular practice.

Wednesday 31 August 2011

When in Bangkok

The Most Beautiful Thing to see in Bangkok is Jim Thompson's House.

He was an American business man who introduced Thia Silk to the world,when it was introduced into the Film 'The King and I', in the Fifties.

Its a group of traditionally built houses with the Most Beautiful Rooms to be in, with lots of 19th Century Artifacts.

Unfortunately he went for a walk in the forest, disappeared and got eaten by natives or a Tiger!

It also has a superb restaurant.

Thursday 18 August 2011

Tongue Dhanti

Cleanliness of the tongue is rarely practised in the West.

Our ordinary methods of hygiene neglect this active organ, Some people do of course clean there tongue with a toothbrush.

The intention behind this is good,but the method mistaken,for the bristles irritate the tongue,and do little good.

The Yogic method use a tongue-scraper made of wood, A coffe spoon will serve instead.
Tun the convex upwards and scrape the tongue with the edge  After a few moments examine the spoon and you will be convinced.stop only when the spoon no longer yields any impurities.

Then, in front of a mirror, make the expressive although undistingished gesture of sticking out the tongue, and see how clean and pink it is.

If the tongue is burdened the taste buds are coated , mucous matter making them viscous,so that tastes will not be enjoyed so acutely in thier full freshness, and stimulus will be much reduced.

Finally a coated tongue will somtimes cause bad breath.

How many times should the  tongue be scaped? Once or twice a day when teeth are cleaned

Saturday 30 July 2011

An Exellent Rest Pose & an Ideal Way to go to Sleep

Lie on your side. If you're lying on your left side, bend the right knee and bring it up close to the ribs, the right left leg should remain straight.

Keep your head in line with the spine at the bottom of the pillow, turn the head up and smile, think slowly about the day and go to sleep.

It redistributes waistline fat deposits and stimulates digestive peristalsis by stretching the intestines
which helps to relieve constipation.

This also relieves sciatic pain by relaxing the muscles in the legs and altering the angles of  the stress on the sciatic nerves.

Saturday 2 July 2011

A Great Day Out in London

Obviously there are loads of brilliant things to do in London, these are just a few of mine.

Russell Square (I used to teach yoga near there), has a sophisticated shopping mall that has everything, and is also a good place to get Baby Bottom Butter - a £2.49 nappy cream from Waitrose.

The cream was raved about on parenting website and has become a must-have for yummy mummies. It’s not worth spending a fortune on face screams when this scored a ten-out-of-ten for face creams costing from £2 - £245.

On Saturdays they have pleasant Farmers Market. There’s a Bijou Cinema, and next door a Japanese/Chinese Restaurant, 'The Hare and the Tortoise' that has Food to die for (Ebi Katsu Curry, Malaysian chicken, Curry Laksa among my personal favorites). There are lots of other wicked Restaurants there but this is the cheapest.

Talking about food,if you ever are in or near Wardour Street, at 124 is Cote Brasserie which has food that defies belief.

Just 10 minutes walk away is one of the most beautiful houses in London that of architect Sir John Soane (17th-18th Century) 

Its in Lincoln Inn fields, a stones throw from Holborn Tube. Ask to see the Holbein Paintings. When I am in there its like being in Heaven.(Open Tuesdays to Saturdays)

If you have any time left the British Museum is just five minutes way.

Have a Great Day!

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Useful Things

Fifteen minutes of sun each day helps the body make vitamin D you need and feels really good.

A glass of red wine (no more tho!) is also good for you.

A few pieces of dark chocolate(dark fruit and nut is nice.)are good for you too, and cleanses the palate with the red wine.( A large Sainsbury does a huge fruit and nut very cheaply.)

If you do the Shoulder Stand before you go to bed (just for 5 minutes), you should have both nicer dreams and sleep better. But make it at least 3 hours after a meal. Also a banana last thing can help.

A doctor told me that we create too much mucus in our lungs and inversions can help to get rid of it.

I always keep at least 3 cartons of fruit juice or smoothie in my fridge. Red Wine Juice is a nice one. Freshly squeezed tomato juice is quite palatable to.

Saturday 25 June 2011

A Perfect Day

A perfect day in the country can be incredible for one's being, my perfect day in the country happens to be Chiddingstone in Kent.

To drive there....
  • Head toward Bromley, then Hayes through to Biggin Hill (World War II Spitfires on the left) and on through to Westerham.
  • At Westerham you do a quick left an right and follow the signs to 'Chartwell' (Winston's Churchill's house). All his things are as it was when he  Saved this Country in the 2nd World War.

  • Turn left from Chartwell and follow the sign for Four Elms (this part of the journey is wonderful in early May with a sea of bluebells)
  • Follow the signs to Chiddingstone

Here there is a 14th century church and pub ,the Castle Inn, that Henry 8th drank in. The food is lovely and you can eat in the beautiful Garden.

Hever Castle is nearby where you can see Anne Bolyn's bed (10 minute drive) and Penshursts Place, a 13th Century Castle (10 minute drive).

Hever Castle

On the way home you can go past a huge Lake/Reservoir with Herons and Wild Fowl.

Have a Brilliant Day!

Tuesday 21 June 2011

More Health Tips

The second thing I do in the morning is; one 5 minute headstand, one 5 minute shoulder-stand and fish (20 slow breaths).

At weekends; one 10 minute shoulder-stand,counter pose with fish, a 15 minute headstand 
one more 10 minute shoulder-stand another 15 minute headstand,then finish with your third shoulderstand.
brain,eyes,complexion,hearing,heart.straightspine,varicose veins.stubborn constipation,liver,neurosis.anxiety,depression, and many more.  


That's an hour of inversion. Stunning benefits. 

If you have any more time continue with a Sun Salutation Plough and Fish. Then bend the knees and give the back a nice massage, close the eyes and exhale through the nose for a nice feeling.

Then in this order: Sitting Forward Bend; Camel or Bridge (counter pose); Cobra; Locust; Bow; Triangle with Counter Pose,

Standing Forward Bend; Roll Over Twist of the Spine (all about 20 slow breaths). Then roll forward and backwards on the floor to give the spine and buttocks a nice massage,bend the knees, close the eyes, exhale through tho nose, get  that nice feeling  and then relax.

These are some of the postures that will keep you fit, flexible and healthy throughout your life.

Incidently if you have a back problem always sit with your knees below your hips.

Also deep breathing will get rid of most headaches by bringing oxygen to the brain.

Personal tuition is  available.

The book to buy, the Bible of Yoga, is 'YOGA Self-Taught' by Andre Van Lysebeth available through Amazon.

Thursday 2 June 2011


I want to tell you about a couple of things I do as part of my morning health routine...

We all de-hydrate at night so the first thing I do in the morning is drink a large glass of water with a Barocca or Revive tablet (Sainsbury's own-brand) which dissolves into an orange drink.(loads of vitimins)

I also use a vibrating toothbrush and a powerfull spin brush, followed by a mouthwash, which keeps my pearly-whites glowing, stimulates my gums and is like yoga for the teeth.

The headstand and shoulder-stand in the morning (1 hour) which  sets me up for the day.

The Funniest, Most Romantic and Saddest is the Italian film 'life is Beautiful' ( 7 Acadamy Awards) with Benigni, it really must be seen.

Sunday 15 May 2011

A Great day out in London

A great day out in London for me is in and around Russell Square.

First of all there is The Brunswick Centre which has all the west end shops and lots of good restaurants, one in particular being 'The Hare and Tortoise' in which my favourites being the Malaysian Chicken Curry and Edu Katsu Currey.They also have very nice framers market on Saturdays

Also a huge Waitrose, an ideal place to buy the Baby Bottom Butter, which was raved about by many Yummy Mummies after it was compared with face creams costing £210 pounds. It got 10 out 10  and cost only £2.40.

Just 10 minutes walk away is one of the most beautiful houses in London, that of Seventeenth Century Architect Sir John Soane.Its just around the corner from Holborn tube station in Lincoln Inn fields.

If you go in ask to see The Holbein paintings, 'The Rakes Progress being one of them. If you have time just five minutes walk away you have The British Museum

Have a Great Day!