Tuesday 23 April 2013

Ardha Chandrasana (The Crescent Moon Pose)

Inhale deeply while slowly stepping backwards with the right leg away from the body in a backward stretch, though not too far back. The top of the right foot, lower leg and knee rest on the floor,

Arch the back and look up, raising the chin as high as possible.

Bring the palms together, then stretch them over the head .

If this seems too difficult separate the hands and arms.

From the finger tips to the tip of the toes there should be an appearance from the side of a crescent moon.


This asana tones the abdominal muscles, strengthens the muscles of the thighs and legs and induces balance in the nervous system.

Monday 22 April 2013

Vrischikasana (the Scorpion Posture)

Do a headstand slightly away from the wall. Slowly take the feet towards the wall, as you slowly take your hands away from your head, and place them either side of your head,elbows down.

Now slowly push up on the arms lifting the head upwards and outwards so that you are resting on the arms.

With practice you will be able to be able to just put the elbows and hands down on the floor and skip up straight into a scorpion and hold an elegant posture with straight legs or bent legs (not so elegant).


This asana reorganises the vital life force in the body i.e. prana, which is the key to physical aging,

It brings about nervous stability and increases blood flow to the brain and pinier gland, thereby rectifying nervous disorders and glandular malfunctions.

Vrischikasana increase circulation to lower limbs and abdomen, revitalising all the bodily systems,
alleviating piles, and varicose veins and toning the productive organs.

The  arched position of the back, tones the spinal nerves, and makes the muscles supple and loosens the vertebrae.

It strengthens the arms and develops balance and concentration.

This is a level four posture and should only be practiced during a class with the supervision an experienced yoga teacher.