Friday 2 November 2012

Downward Facing Dog (Parvatasana)

Exhale deeply, slowly bending forward while stretching the right leg back and place it beside the left leg,

At the same time raise the buttocks and lower the head between the arms so that the back and legs form a triangle.

Now push the head towards the legs and breath deeply.(personal tuition is available by me having been teaching yoga for 13 years)


This asana strengthens the nerves of the arms and legs, exercises the the spine and stimulates circulation especially the upper spine.

It is a semi inverted posture which aso brings blood to the upper body including the face and head.

It is practiced by those that are unable to to do the headstand (Sirsasana) due to injuries or myopia.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

The Perfect Relaxation Posture

Lie on your yoga mat, bend the knees. The slide the legs away leaving the lower back on the floor.

Take the feet about hip width apart and let them flop out to the side.

Now take the arms away from you at about 45 degrees with palms facing upward.

Then take a deep inhalation through the nose and open the mouth and sigh.

This Posture should be practiced at the beginning and end of a class.

If you are ever stressed out, this will bring you down to earth and if you do some deep whole breathing for a few minutes and release, you will feel a nice tingling throughout the the body.

The Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar)

This is a series of 12 postures performed at the beginning of a yoga class. Surya Namaskar only takes 3 to 10 minutes a day...

Stand  upright with your hands by your side in Tadasana.Inhale an exhale into prayer position

Inhale as your raise your hands above your head whilst bending backward.

Exhale as you bend forward keeping your arms by your ears and try and bring your head to your knee, into standing  forerward bend.

Hold your breath whilst you take the right foot back the then the other foot back into plank (press up position).

Then as push the bottom up as bring your chin in line with your hands just above the mat, inhaling push on the toes come in to Cobra posture as you straighten the toes.

Turning over the toes  over as you exhale pushing your bottom into the air into Dog Posture.

Inhale, bring one foot back between the hands with the knee bent and look up,exhale as you bring the other foot back in to standing forward bend.

Inhale  keeping your spine and arms straight in line in  with your ears as you  come up and back.

Exhale as bring your arms into prayer position then by your sides, as you started.

Repeat taking the other left foot back and so on.

Eventually you should do five( or ten if your up to it) continuous rounds, starting and ending with  prayer position.

Once have layed down go into the relaxation posture,

Try  the instant relaxation posture and inhale squeeze the hands buttocks,exhale legs and feet to, then inhale the chest and ribs and face arms into tention so that the whole body is in tension, now juste exhale, open the mouth and sigh and release.

This method of relaxtion can be used in bed at night, you can feel like you are floating between the sheets.
You won't want to move. Then  try the Sleeping Posture.

    It tones up the digestive system by the alternate stretching and compression of the abdominal region; it massages the viscera (the liver, stomach spleen, intestines and kidneys) activates the digestion and gets rid of constipation and dyspepsia.

    It strengthens the abdominal  muscles and by doing holds the organs in place. Blood stoppages in the abdominal organs are banished. The arms and shoulders are strengthened.

    Surya Namaskar steps up cardiac activity and the flow of blood throughout the system,which is ideal for the health of the body. It combats hypertension and palpitation's and warms the extremities.

    It tones up the nervous system by stretching and bending the spine: it regulates the functions of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and helps to promote sleep.

    The memory improves. The skin is well irrigated so it reflects good health,and the complexion clears, it improves the muscle structure throughout the body. 

    It gets rid of  any folds of fat, especially the surplus fat around the stomach,on the hips or thighs and on the neck and chin.

    It lends grace and ease to the movement of the body for sport of all kinds.

    Surya Namaskar revives and maintains a spirit of youthfulness, an asset beyond price

      Monday 16 July 2012

      The Half Spinal Twist (Ardha-Matsyendrasana)

      • Sit with the legs stretched out in front of the body.
      • Place the left foot on the floor on the outside of the right knee.
      • The toes of the left foot forward.
      • Bend the right leg and place the right heel against the left buttock.
      • Now bring the right shoulder against the outside of the left knee.
      • Press the Knee towards the right and place the right arm to the outside of the left leg and hold the leg with the right hand.
      • Slowly turn the body to the left side, placing the left arm around the back and look over the left shoulder,
      • Do not strain the back.
      • Breathe deeply five to 20 breaths
      • Reverse movements to come out of the posture, then change legs and repeat to the opposite side.


      This asana  simultaneously stretches the muscles on either side of the back and abdomen while contracting the muscles on the other side.
      The lateral movements of the spine are developed and spinal nerves are toned.

      Prevents lumbago,back strain,and even certain forms of sciatica.

      Helps in the process of diuresis by stimulating the kidneys and the supra renal glands.

      Combats constipation - stimulates and decongests the liver and the whole of the alimentary glands.

      Combats obesity and cellulite in the stomach.

      Tuesday 15 May 2012

      Standing Forward Bend (Padahastasana)

      • Stand with the spine erect and hands beside the body.
      • While exhaling slowly bend forward, first the upper trunk and eventually the lower trunk.
      • The body should bend forward at hips as though there are no muscles in the back.
      • Place the the fingers under the toes or touch the hands on the floor.
      • If this is not possible, then bring the tips of the fingers as close to the floor as possible.Try to have 30 slow breaths.
      • While inhaling slowly come back to the starting position.
      • Keep the legs straight throughout the movement, but do not strain the hamstring muscles at the back of the legs or the back muscles by forcing the body to bend to far forward.

      The Benefits

      This asana should not be practiced by anyone suffering from serious back ailments, heart disease, high blood pressure or hernia.

      Pada Hastasana also removes excess  fat, particularly if done dynamically.

      It eliminates flatulence, constipation and indigestion.
      It makes the spinal column and back muscles loose and supple.
      All the spinal nerves are stimulated and toned,and the body's metabolism is sped up.
      It influences the sexual  organs, removing  sexual ailments.
      It improves the elimination of waste matter from the body and so reduces occurrence of the disease.
      This asana directs flow of  blood to the brain and facial organs.

      This is a very useful asana and can be practiced any time of day, though not after meals.

      Saturday 24 March 2012

      The Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

      • Stand erect and jump your feet wide apart.
      • Raise the arms to the side to form one straight line,
      • Bend the body to the right,sliding the hand down the leg towards the foot or on to the floor.
      • Keep the two arms in line with each other.
      • Look up at the left hand.
      • Now slowly bring arm the the ear looking underneath the arm.
      • Try to have 20 breaths.
      • Return to the standing position carrying on in the opposite direction raising the right arm has high as possible
      • while looking at it, for an immediate counter pose.
      • Repeat the other side.


      This effects the muscles on the side of the trunk waist and legs, it stimulates the nervous system and alleviates nervous depression. It keeps the spine supple and massages the abdominal organs, appetite and digestion are improved and waistline reduced.

      The Locust Pose (Shalabhasana)

      • Lie flat on your stomach with the hand under the thighs, palms down.
      • Inhale, retain the breath and raise the left leg as high as possible keeping the knee straight.
      • Exhale while lowering the leg to the floor.
      • Repeat the same movement with right leg.
      • Inhale, retain the breath inside, clench the fists and slowly raise both legs as high as possible whilst keeping them straight.
      • Keep the trunk on the floor.
      • Maintain this position for five to twenty seconds.
      • Exhale while slowly lowering the legs back to the starting position.
      • Now do the hare pose for immediate relief (a perfect counter pose).


      This asana strengthens the lower back and pelvic organs, and tones the sciatic nerves, relieving backache, mild sciatica and slipped discs.
      It also tones and balances the abdominal organs, the liver, pancreas and kidneys.
      It aids in the relief and elimination of deceases of the stomach and bowels and stimulates the appetite.

      Monday 19 March 2012

      The Headstand (Shirshasana)

      • Kneel down, put the top of your head on the mat and grasp the back of the head with your hands.
      • Straighten the legs and tip toe forward and bend the knees whilst balancing on the head.
      • Now straighten the back and slowly straighten the legs.

      • Alternately, do the same has above but this time put the head up close to a wall, walk forward until your back touches the wall, then skip the legs up against the wall.

      Contraindications: Those who are threatened with detachment of the retina should not do this asana. The same applies to any eye defects that are really diseases, such as conjunctivitis, glaucoma etc.
      On the other hand myopia, presbyopia and astigmatism can do them nothing but good.
      Those suffering form otitus or other inflammations of the ear should not do the headstand until some time after they are better.


      Shirshasana has surprising effect on the sensory organs, the eyesight can be seen to improve and hearing can also be improved.
      The skin of the face receives such a plentiful supply of arterial blood, that it is better nourished than any wrinkle cream. The skin is grows younger and is regenerated.
      It also very good for keeping the spine straight, prevents varicose veins, stubborn constipation and many more benefits. This is deemed to be the King of all Asanas.

      Monday 5 March 2012

      Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana)

      •  Lie down flat on your back with your palms down beside the thighs.
      • Raise the legs with bent knees and slowly roll the back up to the shoulders until the chin touches the chest.
      • Straighten the legs vertically.
      • The body should now be at right angles to the head and neck (min. 30 breaths or 5 minutes).
      • To return to to the lying position.
      • Firstly bring the knees down to the forehead, place your hand on the floor.
      • Slowly roll from side to side, vertebra by vertebra, giving the spine a massage.
      • When you touch the floor, keep the knees bent and the eyes closed and exhale through the nose and you should get a nice feeling.


      Improvement to blood, to legs and stomach, also combating varicose veins.
      Sarvangasana also helps remedy ptosis or prolapsus and drains the the abdomen, ridding it blood stases in viscera.
      Improvement to the flow of blood to the brain and the face (complexion).
      It also is good for the Thyroid gland which has considerable influence to the youthfulness of the body.
      Also it very good for combating stubborn constipation.

      • The counter pose is the Fish for 20 breaths.
      • Then bring your knees to your chest, giving the back a nice massage by doing circles with the knees.
      • Drop the knees down, close the eyes, breath through the nose and you should get a nice feeling.

      Wednesday 1 February 2012

      The Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)

      • Sit on the floor with the legs straight in front of you together.
      • Pull the flesh away from the sitting bones whilst pushing the heals out.
      • Touch the hands on the thighs with straight arms.
      • Whilst the hands gradually move towards the feet, the forehead is brought down towards the knees.
      • The body is now folded in two like a penknife.
      • Try and relax into the posture for a min of 20 breaths.
      • Slowly return to the starting position,whilst uncurling the back slowly.

      This asana is specific in cases of constipation, hemorrhoids,diabetes,dyspepsia,indigestion and poor appetite.
      It gets rid of of numerous functional disorders of the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, intestines, and spleen and seminal secretions.
      It helps to alleviate enlargement of the liver and kidneys and assists the stomach of proper evacuation.
      It also prevents certain forms of ulcers and clears away lordosis,
      There is a marked effect on the prostate gland among others.

      Those whose sexual activity has begun to decline experience a renewal of vigour, but without unhealthy over stimulation.
      Physically the reactivation of the gonads whose hormone secretions are of such importance, has enormous repercussions on the health.
      Clearly, this is the third most important asana after the Shoulderstand and Headstand.

      Needless to say all postures are practiced at least 3 hours after  food.

      Tuesday 3 January 2012

      The Fish Pose (Matsyasana)

      • Lie flat on the mat with arms resting on the floor by the sides.
      • Arch the back with the lower arms and bring the top or the head to rest on the mat.
      • The weight of body rests on the floor.
      • Place both palms under the thighs.
      • Hold for 20 deep breaths.

      • To release the pose straighten the head, bring the knees to the chest, rotate the knees with your hands and give the lower back a nice massage,drop the feet down, close the eyes and exhale through the nose for a nice feeling.

      As a counter posture, it insures the complete effectiveness of the Shoulderstand and Plough by balancing their action.

      The stretching of the abdomen together with internal massage brought on by the deep breathing,likewise tones up the viscera in the abdominal cavity; the Liver and Spleen being among the beneficiaries.

      Matsyasana remodels the Chest and straitens the Back which has its effect on the psychological makeup.

      If carried out with the legs crossed or in the Lotus Posture it slows down the circulation by diverting blood  to the base of the stomach. Men benefit most from this effect on the gonads.It therefore is a posture with particularly reviving qualities.

      Sunday 1 January 2012

      The Hare Pose (Shashankasana)

      • Sit on your knees whilst slowly inhaling, raise the arms above the head synchronising the movement of arms and breath. Keep the arms shoulder wide apart.
      • Exhale slowly and bend the trunk forward, bringing the chest to rest on the thighs and forehead  on the floor in front of the knees.
      • The arms remain outstretched in front of the body and the elbows on the floor.
      • Breathe normally holding the posture for 20 seconds.
      • Inhaling,while returning slowly to the upright position.

      This posture is very affective for toning pelvic muscles,relaxing the sciatic nerves and regulating the adrenal glands.

      This also helps to relieve constipation, sciatica and anger. It also effective for preventing an underdeveloped pelvis, and is beneficial to sexual disorders in general.
      It is also for a perfect counter pose for the Bow, the Camel Pose, the Cobra and the Locust.Its also very usefull for the forward bend counterpose.