Monday 12 August 2013

Chakrasana (the wheel pose)

Lie in Shakrasana (the relaxation posture)

Bend the knees and bring the heels to touch the buttocks with the feet 30cm apart.

Raise the arms and bend the elbows and place the palms of the hands just above the shoulders on the floor.
Let the fingertips point towards the shoulders.

Raise the arms and bend the elbowsa nd place the palms of he hands just above the shoulders on the floor.
Let the fingertips point towards the shoulders.

Inhale and then hold the breath in as you slowly raise the trunk,letting the head drop back gently to allow
the crown to support the weight of the upper body.The Knees will form right angles.

Then straighten the arms and legs and lift the head off the ground and raise the body to its fully arched

Then supine the position,bring the knees to the chest, give the back and nice massage doing circles with
knees, drop the knees down and breath knees.


This asana is beneficial for the entire nervous, digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular and glandular system.

It influences all the hormonal secretions and relieves many ailments of the female reproductive system.

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